Winter is well and truly upon us, and chilly nights and early mornings have us longing for the warm once more. It is definitely time to switch those air conditioning units from cooling to heating to get through the upcoming Maitland winter months.

Regular maintenance of your air conditioner is extremely important to ensure your unit is working as it should. It also means you can potentially save on expenses down the track.

Even the most reliable unit needs some tender love and care to ensure it can continue to function all year round!

Here are our tips to prepare your air conditioner for the cold Maitland winter air.
1. Have your system rugularly checked by a profession

We recommend getting your air conditioning unit serviced every six months to ensure that it runs at an optimum level.

Even if you think your unit is running smoothly, it’s important to have a licenced technician check it to ensure it continues to function well. This is not just during the winter months but all year round! Neglecting necessary maintenance in your air conditioning unit can cause your energy consumption to steadily increase as the air conditioning performance decreases.

Our technicians at Maitland Air and Electrical can provide maintenance services that will save you money in the long term. In addition, having regular checks improves the comfort and efficiency of your air conditioner. 

2. Change the filters in your air conditioner

Quite often, a build-up of dust and dirt can affect the efficiency of your air conditioning unit. We recommend cleaning or replacing your filters every month (if they are not reusable) – particularly during peak seasons such as winter and summer.

Replacing filters is quite simple, Daikin has a video with step-by-step instructions that can be followed. But as always, if you are unsure – ask!

3. Keep your unit clean

While our friendly technicians are doing maintenance work on your unit, why not ask for a clean?

Our team will take out the internal louvres, give them a good vacuum, and wipe off the dust built up over time.

Remember not to neglect the outside of the unit as well! Hosing down the air conditioning unit and removing cobwebs, leaves, and other debris will prevent the unit from getting clogged and breaking down.

Having an unclean air conditioner can also harm your health over time. Keeping your filters clean decreases the chance of you, your family or employees being subject to allergens or bacteria in the air.

4. Don't put the temperature up too high

The Winter air may be freezing outside but try to resist dialling up the temperature too high. While keeping your temperature in the house low may not be your first thought, it will make the air conditioning unit run more efficiently.

Setting the temperate slightly lower can reduce your energy consumption by 5-10%, which can save you hundreds of dollars each year. 

5. Contact Level Electrical & Air Maitland if something doesn't seem right

Is that buzzing noise normal? Can’t feel the heat? If you notice any changes in your unit, or if something does not sound right, don’t leave it to chance, contact us!

Unusual noises such as buzzing or grinding could be a sign that your unit needs repair.

We want to ensure you are warm all winter! If your air conditioning unit requires a maintenance check, contact us today at