Many people may have the passing thought, ‘I don’t need a licensed electrician; I can just look up how to do it online’. While this might be the case for electrical ‘adjacent’ work like changing a lightbulb, it doesn’t extend to much else.

In fact, it’s illegal for an unlicensed professional to do most electrical work, not to mention that you could be endangering yourself and anyone else who comes onto the property.

Our team has over four decades of extensive experience and knowledge of the electrical industry. This means we deliver efficient and friendly work while ensuring the quality of the job exceeds your expectations as well as meets all safety requirements.

Read on for three reasons you should hire a licensed electrician to do all your electrical work.

1. Electricity is extremely dangerous

The number one reason you should hire a licensed electrician to do electrical work on your property is to ensure everyone is safe.

If you choose to do unsafe electrical work yourself that you aren’t qualified to do, you could:

  • Put yourself, your household, or anyone else who resides or visits your property at risk of injury or death.
  • Put the property at a higher risk of being destroyed by an electrical fire if the work is faulty.
  • Void your insurance policy.

Our team puts safety first and we work hard to make sure all electrical safety requirements are met.

2. You could be subject to fines

DIY or unlicensed electrical work on your home or property is illegal and you could be fined $22,000 as an individual or $110,000 as a company.

It’s important to check that any tradesperson working on your property has all relevant licenses and certificates before they start work. Service NSW has a handy online tool for you to do this.

Our team are all fully qualified and hold all relevant certificates needed to do safe and legal electrical work on your property!

3. It’s cheaper in the long run

While you may think it’s cheaper to go down a DIY route than hiring a licensed professional, electrical work is complex and complicated.

A qualified electrician will be able to efficiently fix any problems or install new equipment without creating faults or problems with the electrics of the property. They may even notice and inform you of other electrical faults that need fixing.

Furthermore, if you choose to do a DIY electrical job, you may void your property insurance and face issues if you ever try to sell the property down the track.

Our team are committed to providing you with the highest quality service to ensure all electrical problems and faults are fixed and the property is as safe as possible.