Workplace Health and Safety Policy
At Level Plumbing our health and safety responsibilities are integral to the way we do business.
Our Commitment
We are committed to the effective implementation of our WHS Policy and to continual improvement in our WHS Performance. We have developed WHS Management Processes in accordance with the requirements of applicable Legislation and internationally recognised Standard (ISO 45001:2018 Safety Management Systems).
Excellence in WHS performance will be achieved through:
- Complying with statutory requirements, relevant codes of practice, Australian standards and guidelines;
- Establishing objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating work related incidents in relation to our activities, products and services; and
- Defining roles and responsibilities for workplace health and safety.
To achieve this stated policy outcome, the commitment and contribution of each and every worker is required through:
- Taking responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and their fellow workmates;
- Not compromising personal health and safety in the mistaken belief that other requirements are more important;
- Considering health and safety as an integral part of our work.
- Ensuring workplace health and safety management principals are included in all organisational planning activities;
- Providing ongoing education and training to our workers;
- Consulting with workers and other parties to improve decision making on workplace health, safety and environment matters;
- Ensuring incidents are investigated and lessons are learnt within the organisation;
- Distributing workplace health and safety information, including this policy to all employees and interested parties;
- Providing enough resources to ensure workplace health and safety is a central part of the organisation; and
- Ensuring effective injury management and rehabilitation to all employees.
In implementing this policy, we will engage with and support our employees, contractors and suppliers in sharing responsibility for meeting our requirements.
This policy will be reviewed annually in consultation with employees.
Quality Policy
Level Plumbing is committed to delivering the highest quality product possible.
Our Commitment
In meeting this commitment we have developed Quality Management Processes that meets the nationally recognised standard (AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems) and exceeds standard practice.
Our Actions
Our principal objectives are to:
- Provide high quality product at an extremely competitive price;
- Ensure that client and customer requirements are met;
- Provide services of the highest quality in an efficient and effective manner;
- Ensure that schedules are maintained and surpassed;
- Ensure that all technical documentation and specifications are of the highest possible quality and accuracy;
- Manage all external and internal correspondence, documentation and communications efficiently;
- Ensure that all legal requirements are met;
- Continually improve the effectiveness of the Integrated Management Plan;
- Monitor and measure compliance with the Integrated Management Plan; and
- Enable a safe, happy and productive workplace for all workers.
In implementing this policy, we will engage with and support our employees, contractors and suppliers in sharing responsibility for meeting our requirements.
Environmental Policy
Level Plumbing is committed to meeting the requirements of ISO 14001 through implementation of our Integrated Management Plan.
Level Plumbing acknowledges and accepts our obligation to preserve and protect the environment. Level Plumbing, through the commitment and involvement of management and employees, is dedicated to the provision of built outcomes that are environmentally responsible to our customers, the workforce and the community.
Our Commitment
Our vision for the environment is to:
- Pursue continual improvement in our company environmental performance and achieve closer integration with process management; and
- Apply reasonable practices across the business in order to protect and enhance our reputation and meet the expectations of our stakeholders and the EPA.
Our Actions
To deliver our vision for the environment, Level Plumbing will:
- Conduct all operations in accordance with relevant legislation;
- Ensure responsible waste management practices are consistently followed, including recycling;
- Implement suitable pollution control measures as required;
- Maintain a healthy working relationship with the EPA as part of our commitment to the protection of the environment;
- Provide adequate information and training to enable environmental impacts and opportunities to be identified, prioritised and managed effectively;
- Communicate initiatives and achievements to our customers, the workforce and the community.
This policy represents our commitment to environmental preservation and protection. This policy will be reviewed annually in consultation with employees.
Jason Tait
General Manager
July 2024