Every homeowner in Canberra at one point or another will face the inconvenience of a blocked drain issue. 

This common problem can disrupt your daily routine and cause a significant amount of stress. Whether it's water pooling around your feet in the shower, an unpleasant odour wafting from your kitchen sink, or a toilet that simply won't flush, dealing with a blockage is never a pleasant experience.

A Canberra blocked drain plumber has the necessary tools, training, and experience to diagnose and resolve the problem efficiently and effectively. They can not only unclog your drains but also provide expert advice on how to prevent future blockages.

Before and After of a High-Pressure Jetter Cleaning
Canberra blocked drain with tree roots

Pipe with tree root invasion

Canberra pipe relined with nuflow epoxy

Pipe cleared with jetter and relined

How Level Plumbing Blocked Drain Plumbers Can Help

A Canberra blocked drain plumber is your best ally when it comes to dealing with clogged drains. With their expertise, tools, and experience, they can not only resolve your current issue but also help prevent future problems. Here's how they can help:

Expert Assessment and Diagnosis

When it comes to dealing with clogged drains, the first step a professional plumber takes is an expert assessment and diagnosis. This process involves identifying the location and nature of the blockage, determining its cause, and devising the most effective solution.

CCTV Blocked Drain Camera Inspection

For complex cases, plumbers may use a drain camera, a device that can be inserted into the pipes to provide a clear view of the inside. This allows the plumber to locate the blockage with CCTV and determine its nature accurately.

Our team doing a blocked drain camera inspection in Belconnen

Drain Snake/Electric Eels Blocked Drain Service

Also known as a plumber's snake or drain auger, a drain snake is a flexible coil of wire that can reach deep into your pipes to break up a blockage. The end of the snake has a corkscrew-like tip that can grab hold of the clog and either break it up or pull it out.

High-Pressure Water Jetter Blocked Drain Clearing

A hydro jet, on the other hand, uses the power of high-pressure water to clear blockages. The plumber inserts a hose into the pipe; this hose is connected to a tank of water and a high-pressure pump. When the pump is activated, it sends a powerful stream of water through the hose and into the pipe, blasting away the blockage.

Pipe Relining a ‘no dig solution’

‘No dig’ pipe relining is done after your pipes are cleared to provide a more permanent solution to your blockage issues. An epoxy liner is applied to your pipe to make it look like new (or even better than new). As a ‘no dig solution’ to blockages, it is especially useful to minimise the damage to your yard, especially valuable to homeowners who have piping going under their home or driveway. The pipe relining comes with warranties from 10 to 50 years and is designed to last over 50 years.

Before, during and after pictures of a blocked drain that has had pipe relining done

The pipe relining process for Level Plumbing Canberra

How to Fix Blocked Drains

  1. Initial Assessment: The first step in the process is to assess the situation. This involves gathering information about the symptoms observed and conducting a visual inspection of the affected area.
  2. Identify the Type of Clog: Different types of issues require different approaches for removal. For instance, a clog caused by a build up of hair or grease would be handled differently from a blockage caused by tree roots or foreign objects.
  3. Implement the Suitable Method: Based on the type and severity of the clog, the suitable method for its removal is implemented. This could range from simple techniques, like using a water jetter or even pipe replacement.
  4. Test the Drain: Once the clog has been handled, the drain is tested to ensure that it's working properly. If the water isn't draining smoothly, further steps may be taken to remove the blockage fully.
  5. Provide Preventive Measures: After the blockage has been successfully removed, the professional will provide tips and measures to prevent future clogs. This could include advice on what not to put down the drain or recommending regular maintenance procedures.
Professionals Diagnose a Blockage

The process begins with gathering information from the homeowner about the symptoms they've observed, such as slow drainage, unusual noises, or unpleasant odours. This gives the plumber initial clues about the potential location and severity of the blockage.

Next, the plumber conducts a visual inspection of the affected area and the plumbing fixtures connected to it. They may also test the flow of water through the drain to assess the extent of the blockage.

For complex cases, plumbers may use advanced tools such as a drain CCTV camera. This device is a flexible rod with a high-resolution camera on its tip, which can be inserted into the pipes to get a clear view of the inside. The camera sends real-time video footage to a monitor, allowing the plumber to see the blockage and determine its nature and location.

Benefits of Accurate Diagnosis

An accurate diagnosis is crucial in dealing with clogged drains for several reasons:

  • Effective Solution: By understanding the exact nature and location of the blockage, the plumber can select the most effective method to clear it. This ensures that the problem is completely resolved and not just temporarily relieved.
  • Prevent Further Damage: Knowing what's causing the blockage allows the plumber to handle it in a way that minimises the risk of further damage to your pipes. For instance, if tree roots are blocking your outdoor pipes, the plumber can use methods that remove the roots without damaging the pipes.
  • Cost Savings: Accurate diagnosis can help save money by preventing unnecessary treatments. If the plumber knows exactly what the problem is, they can fix it right the first time, avoiding the costs of repeated attempts.
  • Prevent Recurrence: By identifying the cause of the blockage, the plumber can give you advice on how to prevent it from happening again. For example, if grease build up in your kitchen sink caused the clog, they might recommend regular use of a grease trap.

Benefits of a Professional Drain Plumber

Professional tools offer several benefits over DIY methods:

  • Effectiveness: Professional tools can handle tougher clogs that household plungers or chemical drain cleaners can't. They can reach deeper into your pipes and remove blockages more thoroughly.
  • Safety: Using professional tools reduces the risk of damage to your pipes. DIY methods, especially the use of harsh chemicals, can sometimes cause more harm than good, damaging your pipes and even posing a health risk.
  • Efficiency: With their professional tools, plumbers can clear blockages more quickly, saving you time and hassle.

The use of professional tools and equipment by a Canberra blocked drain plumber can make a significant difference in dealing with clogged drains. Their effectiveness, safety, and efficiency make them a far better choice than most DIY methods.

What is a Blocked Drain?

A blocked kitchen sink filled with water

A blocked drain is essentially a blockage that impedes the free flow of water through your pipes. This can occur internally or externally in any part of your plumbing system. When a drain is clogged, water cannot pass through efficiently, leading to slow drainage, pooling water, and potentially, an overflow.

Common Causes of Clogged Drains

Blocked drains can result from a variety of factors, many of which are within our control. Here are some common causes:

  • Hair: One of the principal offenders, particularly in showers and bathtubs. Over time, hair can gather and tangle inside pipes, creating a blockage that hampers proper water drainage.
  • Cooking Oil and Grease: These substances can solidify and stick to the insides of your pipes, leading to stubborn blockages. It's always better to dispose of cooking oil and grease in your regular trash.
  • Food Scraps and Waste: In the kitchen, food particles, including coffee grounds and tea leaves, can accumulate in your pipes over time. They can clump together, causing difficult-to-clear blockages.
  • Soap Scum: Soap, when mixed with hard water minerals, can form a hard residue known as soap scum. This substance can adhere to pipe interiors, resulting in blockages.
  • Foreign Objects: Flushed items such as sanitary products, baby wipes, nappies, and even toys can obstruct the normal flow in your pipes.
  • Plant Debris: Outdoor pipes can get blocked by soil, bark, leaves, weeds, cut grass, pebbles, and branches. Regularly clearing your yard can help prevent these issues.
  • Tree Roots: Seeking moisture, tree roots can infiltrate your pipe system, causing severe blockages.
  • Flushable Wet Wipes: Despite their name, even 'flushable' wet wipes can cause blockages. They don't break down as quickly as toilet paper and can clog your pipes.

Warning Signs of a Clogged Drain

It's crucial to recognise the early signs of a clogged drain so you can address the issue before it escalates. Here are some warning signs to look out for:

  • Slow Drainage: Slow-draining sinks, tubs, or toilets often signal a blockage caused by hair, soap scum, or food debris. If not addressed promptly, it could lead to severe clogs.
  • Unpleasant Odours: Foul smells from drains could be due to waste stuck and decomposing in pipes. This could signify a serious plumbing issue and potential health risks from harmful bacteria build-up.
  • Gurgling Sounds: Unusual gurgling noises from drains are signs of air trapped in the pipes due to blockages. If you hear these sounds, it's best to consult a professional plumber.
  • Frequent Drain Clogs: Constant clogs could indicate a persistent blockage or structural issues with your plumbing system. A professional assessment is necessary for a lasting solution.
  • Water Backups or Overflows: Water backing up from a sink drain or toilet overflow signals a severe blockage. This urgent situation, which can cause water damage, requires immediate professional attention.

By understanding what a clogged drain is, its common causes, and the warning signs, you can take proactive measures to prevent blockages and maintain a healthy plumbing system in your home. If you notice any of these warning signs, it's best to call a professional Canberra blocked drain plumber to inspect your system and provide a suitable solution.

Prevention of Future Clogs

Preventing future clogs is just as important as dealing with existing ones. Beyond resolving the immediate issue, a professional plumber can provide valuable advice on how to prevent future clogs. 

A professional Canberra blocked drain plumber can provide valuable tips and advice to help you avoid future clogs, as well as offer services that can keep your drains in good condition.

Tips and Advice on Preventing Clogs

Here are some preventive measures that professionals often recommend:

  • Be Mindful of What Goes Down the Drain: Avoid flushing items like hair, coffee grounds, cooking grease, and non-flushable wipes down the drain as they can accumulate over time and cause a blockage.
  • Use Drain Screens: Drain screens are useful for catching materials that could potentially clog your pipes, such as hair and food scraps. They're especially recommended for kitchen sinks and shower drains.
  • Regularly Clean Your Drains: Even if you're careful about what goes down your drain, residue can still build up over time. Regularly cleaning your drains with safe household products, like a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, can help prevent this build up.
  • Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners: While they might seem like a quick fix, chemical drain cleaners can actually damage your pipes over time. They can also pose a health risk due to their toxic nature.

Services to Help Maintain Your Drains

Apart from providing tips and advice, professional plumbers typically offer the following services to help maintain your drains:

  • Routine Drain Cleaning: This service involves the plumber cleaning your drains using professional tools and methods. This can help remove any minor blockages and prevent future clogs.
  • Drain Inspection: A professional plumber can inspect your drains using a drain camera to check for any potential issues that might lead to a blockage in the future. This proactive measure can help address problems before they escalate.
  • Pipe Repair and Replacement: If your pipes are damaged or old, they might be more prone to clogs. A professional plumber can repair or replace them to ensure smooth drainage.

Prevention is a key aspect of maintaining clear drains. By following professional advice and taking advantage of the services offered by a Canberra blocked drain plumber, you can help prevent future clogs and keep your drains functioning smoothly.

Dangers & Consequences of Ignoring Clogged Drains

A woman sitting on a sofa covering her face with tissue while sneezing

Ignoring a clogged drain may seem like the easy route, especially when the signs are subtle. However, what starts as a minor inconvenience can quickly escalate into a major problem with significant consequences.

Damage to Your Plumbing System

When a drain is clogged, water cannot flow through it freely. This can cause pipes to crack or even burst, resulting in leaks that can damage your home's structure and belongings. Plus, the constant strain can wear it down over time, reducing its lifespan and functionality.

Health Risks

When a blockage prevents water from draining properly, it can lead to standing water in your sinks, bathtubs, or showers.

This stagnant water can become a breeding ground for bacteria, mould, and insects, which can cause a range of health issues, from allergies and skin irritations to more serious respiratory conditions.

Financial Impact

Persistent blockages can lead to leaks and other forms of damage to your plumbing system. Repairing or replacing damaged pipes can be quite costly, especially if the damage has spread to other parts of your home. Additionally, if you're constantly resorting to temporary fixes, these small costs can add up over time.

Why Choose Level Plumbing

Canberra plumber unclogging a bathroom sink, clearing debris from the pipe

Choosing a plumber for your blocked drain issues is a crucial decision to make sure that you are not ripped off (Plumber tried to charge over $33,000 for a $500 job) and also for the longevity of your drainage system. To ensure you're making the right choice, it's important to choose a company that offers the services you need, including:

Level Plumbing Canberra offers you these benefits and more. We are experts to give you options. We do everything from digging up and replacing, clearing your pipes for immediate relief, or even relining your pipes so they can last over 50 years.

Say Goodbye to Drainage Woes with Level Plumbing Canberra!

Is your drain acting more like a stubborn mule than the swift-flowing river it's supposed to be? Don't let a clogged drain ruin your day! It's time to call in the cavalry - Level Plumbing Canberra. With just one call, our drain heroes will swoop in to save the day (and your drains!).

Don't wait for your backyard to turn into a swimming pool or toilet to become a nightmare. Give us a call at 6188 6088, and we'll show that pesky clog who's boss! Let Level Plumbing Canberra unclog your day and keep your drains flowing smoothly. Remember, in the battle against blockages, we're your number-one ally!


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common causes of drain blockages?

A build up of substances like grease, food particles, hair, soap scum, and other debris typically causes drain blockages. In some cases, tree roots can also infiltrate your pipes and cause blockages.

Can I unclog a drain by myself?

While minor clogs can often be resolved with a plunger or a hand auger, it's best to hire a professional for more serious blockages. Improper handling can lead to further damage to your plumbing system.

How can I prevent drain clogs?

Regular maintenance is key to preventing drain clogs. Avoid disposing of grease, coffee grounds, and other hard-to-dissolve substances down your drains. Use a drain guard to catch hair and other debris, and consider regular professional drain cleaning services.

How often should I have my drains cleaned?

The frequency of drain cleaning can depend on various factors, including the age of your home, the condition of your pipes, and your usage habits. However, as a general rule, having your drains professionally inspected every 18-24 months can help maintain their health and efficiency.

Why should I hire a licensed and insured plumber?

Hiring a licensed and insured plumber ensures that the person has the necessary training and meets the standards set by regulatory bodies. The insurance also protects you from any potential damages or accidents that might occur during the job.

Can a plumber help with recurring drain clogs?

Yes, a professional plumber can assess your plumbing system to identify the root cause of recurring blockages and provide a long-term solution. They can also offer advice on how to prevent future blockages.

What should I do in case of a severe blockage or overflow?

In case of a severe blockage or overflow, it's important to immediately stop using the fixture and contact a professional plumber to avoid further damage and potential health hazards.