Blocked drains are a common yet often overlooked issue in many homes and commercial buildings in Canberra. It is a problem that disrupts our daily routines, creates unsanitary conditions, and even leads to costly repairs if not addressed promptly.

That being said, in this post, we will cover a few common causes of why your kitchen or toilet drainage gets clogged. We will also provide practical steps on how to prevent them as well as how to fix them. 

What is Blocked Drainage?

Blocked drainage is when a solid material clogs up pipes and, as a result, makes it difficult for water to pass through quickly. It could happen in any drain in your house, like a clogged sink, shower, bathtub, or blocked toilet.

When a drain gets clogged, the water goes down very slowly or might not go down at all. If it happens a lot and you do not fix it as soon as possible, it could lead to bigger plumbing problems.

Signs of Blocked Drains

Blocked drains can cause property damage and health issues for both humans and pets. The early warning signals of a blocked drain include:

Slow Drainage

Water that drains slowly from sinks, showers, tubs, or toilets is usually a sign of a partial blockage in the drain pipe.

Gurgling Noises

If you hear gurgling noises coming from drains when the water is running, it could be the result of trapped air caused by a blockage.

Foul Odours

Blocked drains can create unpleasant odours due to retained food particles, grease, or sewage, especially if the obstruction is severe.

Water Backing Up

When using another plumbing fixture, water will back up into sinks, showers, or tubs, indicating a blockage further downstream in the drainage system.

Standing Water

Standing water near floor drains or in basements may indicate an obstruction in the sewer line or drainage system.

Toilet Problems

Difficulty flushing, water rising to the rim while flushing or gurgling sounds in the toilet bowl can all indicate a clogged toilet drain.

Overflowing Outdoor Drainage

Outdoor drains that overflow during heavy rain, such as gutter downspouts or storm drains, may indicate an obstruction in the drainage system.

Puddles in the Yard

Puddles appearing in your yard or garden, particularly around sewer line access points, may signal a blockage causing wastewater to seep out of the pipes.

Fruit Flies or Drain Flies

The presence of fruit flies or drain flies near drains may suggest organic material buildup, which can cause clogs.

Visible Blockage

You may be able to visually notice a blockage by peering down the drain hole and noticing debris or accumulation.

What Happens If You Ignore Them? 

If you ignore these signs and don't fix the blockage immediately, things could get worse:

  • Bigger blockage. The blockage could get bigger over time, making it harder to fix.
  • Damage to pipes. If water can't get through a blockage, it might start to leak out of the pipe instead. It can cause damage to your home.
  • Health risks. Blocked drains can become a breeding ground for bacteria and can lead to health problems.

Common Causes of Blocked Drainage

A Canberra plumber getting tree roots out from the pipe

A drainage issue does not happen in one night. It is typically a problem that could be prevented only if homeowners tended to it as soon as they saw the first sign. That said, let's look at a few of the usual causes and signs of clogged drainage.

Foreign Objects and Debris

The intrusion of foreign objects and debris into the drainage system is one of the main culprits behind blocked drains. This includes a variety of materials such as:

  • Hair. A common issue in bathroom drains is that hair can intertwine and form large clumps, obstructing the water flow.
  • Soap. Over time, soap scum can accumulate on the pipe walls, reducing their diameter and impeding the flow.
  • Toilet Paper and Sanitary Items. Excessive use of toilet paper or flushing sanitary items can lead to a blocked toilet.
  • Food Waste. Certain food items don't break down easily and can accumulate in the pipes, causing blockages.

When introduced into the drainage system, these materials can gradually build up, forming a stubborn blockage that hinders water flow.

Accumulation of Fats and Oils

Kitchen drains often suffer from the buildup of fats and oils. When these substances are rinsed down the sink, they tend to solidify upon cooling. They then adhere to the pipe walls, gradually narrowing the pipe's diameter and restricting the water flow.

Over time, the buildup can result in a complete blockage and can severely affect your drainage system's efficiency.

Tree Roots Invasion

Tree roots pose a unique yet significant threat to your drainage system. Drawn by the moisture in the pipes, tree roots can infiltrate even the smallest cracks and joints in your pipes.

Once inside, these roots can grow and expand, leading to a severe blockage and potentially causing substantial damage to your pipes.

Structural Damage and Pipe Deterioration

Structural issues are another significant cause of clogged drains. Pipes can deteriorate and become damaged due to various factors, including:

  • Age: Older pipes are more likely to crack or break, leading to blockages.
  • Ground Movement: Changes in the soil around the pipes can cause them to shift, break, or collapse, creating obstructions.
  • Extreme Weather Conditions: Severe cold can cause pipes to freeze and burst, while extreme heat can cause pipes to expand and crack.

These structural problems can obstruct the water flow, leading to recurring drainage issues and potentially necessitating extensive repair or replacement work.

How to Prevent Blocked Drains

A drain cover effectively blocking foreign particles from draining

Regular Cleaning

Cleaning your drains on a regular basis with hot water and a light detergent will help to prevent grease, soap scum, and other debris from building up.

Use Drain Guards

Install drain guards or screens in sinks, showers, and bathtubs to trap hair, food particles, and other debris before they enter drain pipes.

Dispose of Grease Properly

Avoid pouring grease, fats, or oils down the drain since they can solidify and cause blockages. Instead, gather grease in a container and discard it in the garbage.

Flush with Hot Water

Use hot water to dissolve and flush any buildup from drains on a regular basis.

Be Mindful of What You Flush

Only flush toilet paper and human waste down the toilet. Avoid flushing objects such as wipes, cotton balls, or sanitary products because they might cause clogs.

Regular Maintenance

Schedule regular expert inspections and maintenance of your plumbing system to identify any problems before they become significant obstructions.

Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners can harm pipes and are frequently only a temporary solution. Instead, try natural or mechanical options, such as plunging or utilising a drain snake.

Install a Lint Trap

For washing machines, attach a lint trap to the drainage hose to collect lint and keep it from blocking the drain pipes.

Trim Trees and Shrubs

If you have trees or shrubs near your drainage system, make sure they are routinely pruned to avoid roots from penetrating and clogging the pipes.

Educate Household Members

To avoid unintentional blockages, ensure that everyone in your household understands what can and cannot go down the drain.

Get Rid of Blocked Drainage!

We hope this guide has helped you understand the common causes of blocked drainage. It is important to remember that ignoring the early signs of blocked drainage can lead to bigger problems, including significant damage to your pipes and potential health risks.

However, sometimes, blockages may still occur despite our best efforts, or you might need help implementing these preventive measures. That's where we come in.

At Level Plumbing Canberra, we are experts in tackling any plumbing issue, including blocked drainage. We provide quick, efficient, and professional services to ensure your drains run smoothly and your daily routines remain uninterrupted.

For more information on clearing blocked sewers and drains, please contact our blocked drain plumber team At Level Plumbing Canberra by dialling 0261886088