Gas leaks in your home are quite dangerous if left undetected. Not only will your bills increase, but more importantly, there is a high risk of incendiary damage such as a gas explosion or carbon monoxide poisoning.

It is vitally important to search for gas leaks if you suspect something unusual in your home. It will keep you, your loved ones, and your pets safe. Keep in mind that gas leaks may come from behind your stove or if you have pipe fittings for a gas-powered appliance such as a hot water system or a dryer.

Natural Gas

It is important to keep in mind that natural gas is colourless and odourless. There is, however, an additive called mercaptan which smells like rotten cabbage or rotten eggs.

If you smell this in your home, open some windows to allow the gas to escape as well as to let air circulate inside your home. Also, make sure to vent your home as much as possible.

You can then search for the source of the gas leak. To start, mix water and dish soap or laundry detergent together in a small cup or bowl. Then take a brush and rub the mixture near the pipe fitting you think may be leaking.

If you find liquid bubbles, then it means there is a gas leak. 

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide leaks also happen. It is an extremely dangerous gas that comes from dryers, wood-burning stoves, and chimneys. And like natural gas, carbon monoxide is colourless and odourless.

It is highly recommended to install a carbon monoxide detector in your home. If the detector goes off or if you experience any symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, remove yourself and your family from your house.

Some signs of carbon monoxide poisoning include nausea, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, and confusion. And these symptoms should not be taken lightly.

Early detection of gas leaks from natural gas, carbon monoxide, or other gases not only will save you money but also your health. If you detect any gas leakage, get into the fresh air, vent your house, and call professionals. They will help determine if there is a problem and will provide assistance with returning your home to normal. Rather be safe than sorry!