Many homeowners have unfortunately hired plumbers that overpromise yet underdeliver. How do you know if you are getting a plumber that can get the job done quickly without sacrificing quality?

Today, we are sharing the top 7 frustrations that households have when choosing a plumber and how you can be better equipped to hire a great one.

Lack of Availability

Some plumbing jobs require immediate support and assistance. However, there are plumbers out there who are not willing to come out and help households when urgent repairs are required. Some plumbers play off the shortage of skilled tradespeople and can be very difficult to pin down when you need them.

When you are facing a plumbing crisis, you do not have time to wait around! Look for a plumber offering same-day services so when emergencies arise—as they do from time to time—you will know who to call straight away.

Not Showing Up on Time

Lack of punctuality from a plumber is a big bugbear of homeowners and can be very costly if you require immediate attention to prevent your plumbing system from causing more damage. What is worse is that some plumbers may decide to "no-show" if they find the job not profitable.

Not only does it throw out your day. But a plumber who does not show up on time or alert you beforehand that they are running behind the scheduled appointment is sure to become unreliable in other ways on the job.

It is better to not take the chance. Look for a plumber with a proven track record of reliability and trustworthiness based on positive customer testimonials.

Low-Quality Materials Used

To make larger profits on jobs, some plumbers utilise low-quality materials. Using cheap materials not only results in the final job being low quality but also increases the chance of problems down the track.

Any savings the plumber makes by using second-rate materials will often come back as an additional expense later down the track when you need to have work fixed or repairs done again because they did not last as long as they would have if quality materials had been used.

Always ask if quality products are being used for your work and perhaps check the plumber's website (if they have one) to see if they mention what brands they prefer to work with so you are in a better position to decide whether to hire the plumber or not.


In another cost-cutting measure, some plumbing companies send out first or second-year apprentices without attending the site themselves. Unfortunately, customers find themselves not only with plumbing work that reflects the inexperience and low skill level of the beginner apprentice but also a bill that doesn't match the quality of work performed.

Of course, apprentices need the opportunity to learn but make sure that someone who is fully qualified will also be there to oversee and ensure the quality of the work being completed.

Too Expensive

It costs... What?!? If you've ever been handing an invoice from a plumber that far exceeds an original quote you received online or on the phone, and there's been no conversation with them to discuss additional costs, then you would understand the feeling of being caught off guard by an expensive bill. Be aware of the warning signs for this behaviour, such as receiving a very low initial quote for a plumbing job - if it's significantly lower than other quotes you've received there's probably a good reason why - usually that they've not set out everything that's included (and isn't!).

The best way to avoid "bill shock" is to shop around for quotes and select a plumbing team who have excellent communication skills and a great reputation.

No Insurance

There are a few forms of insurance required by plumbers to practice, like public liability, that are mandatory in most states of Australia. Public liability insurance covers plumbers financially if an event arises that causes property damage or personal injury to a customer or member of the public.

One way of telling if you are dealing with a plumber who is not insured is if you are not issued a compliance certificate that certifies that the work complies with the relevant plumbing standards and regulations and that they hold the relevant insurance to protect the consumer from defective work. If your plumber does not issue compliance certificates, then this is a tell-tale sign that they are not insured or, worse still- even licensed to operate!

Poor Customer Service

Footprints on the carpets of work boots? Several holes left in the walls that haven't been patched up properly? Plumbing can be a messy business, so there is basic etiquette that is expected of a plumber. The right plumber for the job will be respectful of your house and exteriors and will clean up the working environment after the plumbing job has been completed. If you need to fix up your property after the plumber has visited, they are not a keeper.

Be sure to also consider how the person you speak to on the phone addresses you and how the plumber who attends your home interacts. Communication is vital, so you want to be sure that the people you're dealing with give you the right kind of vibe and are happy to answer your questions.

At Level Plumbing Canberra, we pride ourselves on being "Totally Dependable," servicing Canberra and the surrounding areas, offering same-day service for domestic and commercial project emergencies. Built on a reputation of years of delivering high-quality plumbing work at Level Plumbing Canberra Central, we are ready to deliver high-quality services for any plumbing challenge.