Technology is an always-evolving subject. And in plumbing, the tools used for the trade are evolving as well.

As such, good plumbers or plumbing companies are not only those who are licensed, qualified, and experienced. They use state-of-the-art plumbing technology as well.

Latest Plumbing Technology
Does It Matter?

Not every plumber will have the latest plumbing tools and equipment. And it does not necessarily mean that they are not qualified or fit to do the job.

However, those plumbing contractors with access to the latest and quality tools can provide better assistance and service. The latest plumbing technology and tools offer better efficiency and are cost-effective.

High-tech tools may also mean a faster job and less disruption to your home or business. Operating without a shower or toilet, either at home or at work, can make life difficult.

So, any options to help get the job done in a shorter time frame are certainly worth it.

The Plumbing Code of Australia

The Plumbing Code of Australia is the technical standard that plumbing contractors in Australia must follow. The Plumbing Code of Australia, or PCA, was developed by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) for the Commonwealth, state and territory governments.

The PCA sets out performance requirements for the design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and maintenance of plumbing and drainage installations.

What Sort of Technology Is Available?

There is a wide range of tools and technology available to both residential and commercial project plumbing contractors to diagnose problems and fix them. The list is ever-changing and expanding.

Here are a few examples:

  • High-Tech Video Cameras. Some plumbers use video cameras to determine where and what the problem is. Generally, it will involve a tiny camera affixed to a fibre-optic cable, which is fed through the piping and to the area where the problem is.
    The camera with live feed can help plumbers determine exactly what is causing a blockage, as well as what sort of repair is required.
  • Hydro Jetting. A hydrojet system is a powerful high-pressure hose that can be used to clear blockages quickly and effectively.
  • Electric Drain Augers. Also referred to as drain snakes, these are electrically powered devices that can break through unwanted material that has clogged drains.

Do not be shy in asking your plumber about the tools and technology they use. It is always useful to be clear on exactly what’s involved in your plumbing jobs.

Plumber Reputation: One Key Indicator of Reliability

Reputation may not be the only determining factor when choosing a plumber, but it certainly plays a major role. A good reputation needs to be earned, and when it comes to plumbing, be it for a new bathroom, leaking or blocked pipes, or even repairs after a natural disaster, good reviews and feedback can help you find a great plumbing contractor and avoid shady dealers.

How to Determine a Good Reputation

If you are not sure who to hire, check your choice of plumbers' customer reviews. Some companies may post these on their websites. But you can certainly do a web search to see if there has been a discussion elsewhere.

Look not only for general feedback but also for comments specifically on their performance, price and other services. Word of mouth is also excellent in determining a plumbing contractor’s reputation.

Look for a Licence

Of course, any plumber you are considering hiring should also be registered. Organisations such as Fair Trade NSW, Master Builders in Queensland and the ACT Planning and Landing Authority may have information on plumbers licencing and be able to refer you to licensed plumbers in your area.

Registration varies from one state to the next, but in general, you will also need to confirm that the plumber is licensed to perform the specific work you are after (there may be different classes of licence available). Licensing is a legal requirement that helps protect the consumer.

Most plumbers will display their licence number on their website or pamphlet. If it is not in view, ask to see it. You can also check with the licensing body in your state or territory.

Money matters

A plumber with a good reputation should be upfront on all money matters. You will need a written quote before deciding to take on any plumber.

Check if it is detailed and includes both labour and material costs. If in doubt on any aspect, query your contractor. The best way to avoid disputes is to be clear on every aspect of the job from day one.

Services may vary, but in general, a plumber will ask for 10% of the total fee as a deposit unless it is a job over $20K, in which case it’s likely to be 5%. If anyone asks you for the full fee upfront, politely exit the building quickly smart. It is not standard practice to demand prepayment, and doesn’t bode well for an honest and reliable plumber.

Level Plumbing Canberra uses the latest and state-of-the-art plumbing technology and tools. If you are not sure which company to hire, reach out to us, and we will be glad to be of any help. Call us now at (02) 6188 6088.